6.8.18 [fix] /uri2addon/ endpoint for playback of youtube.com urls [fix] Don't assume addon is installed in home directory |contrib: jfly| [lang] translation updates from Weblate 6.8.17 [fix] Fix comments on Kodi 19+ |contrib: ramateur| [fix] Fix ratebypass [upd] Update icon and fanart |contrib: papercore-dev| [lang] translation updates from Weblate 6.8.16 [fix] Fix playback of some content (ie. Music videos) [fix] Calcuate n parameter to enable ratebypass 6.8.15 [fixup] No streams found, consent cookies |contrib: jaylinski| [fixup] Age gate detection, show age gate error instead of 'No streams found' [fixup] encoding of some titles/authors - ie. russian [lang] translation updates from Weblate 6.8.14 [fixup] playback of some streams due to encoding issues [fixup] default player response type 6.8.13 [fix] player config and client discovery [fix] No Streams Found |contrib: 14mRh4X0r| [fix] capability map to contain unversioned capabilities |contrib: jmbreuer| [lang] zh_tw strings |contrib: JuenTingShie| 6.8.11 [fix] mktime overflow when loading My Subscriptions [fix] encoding issues in search history |contrib: dreznichuk| 6.8.10 [fix] fix javascript player retrieval and playback of some videos for affected users |contrib: thomazz-nl| - Invalid URL 'http://': No host supplied 6.8.9 [fix] my subscriptions section using YouTube RSS |contrib: PureHemp| [fix] items per page settings on Kodi 19 [chg] recommendations only available for users with custom history playlist id configured [chg] no longer show watch later unless custom watch later playlist is configured [rem] remove usage of discontinued api and dual login (no longer required) 6.8.8 [fixup] encoding of subtitle track names 6.8.7 [fixup] encoding of titles and authors during playback 6.8.6 [fix] some videos failing to play with an Invalid URL exception [fix] searching in some instances with encoding issues |contrib: tsaklidis| [fix] support python 3.9 html.unescape |contrib: asavah| 6.8.5 [fix] playback of purchased movies |contrib: MisterD81| [fix] notifications for some languages on Kodi 19 [fix] searching for some languages [fix] loading on some versions of python 3 [fix] some videos failing to play with an Invalid URL exception [upd] use xbmcvfs.translatePath if available, clean up for Kodi 19 6.8.4 [fix] next page now ignores sorting, remains at the end of the directory [fix] searching, no longer require remote safe search [fix] notifications for some languages [chg] only log http server ping failures [lang] zh_cn strings |contrib: yureng, xiaojun| 6.8.3 [fix] playback of some videos [fix] notifications for some languages |contrib: Mutronics| [fix] fix rating videos causing and error even though it succeeded [upd] cache javascript player url for4 hours, reduces http requests per play by 1 [upd] use new settings format on Kodi 19 [lang] el_gr strings |contrib: twilight0| [lang] hu_hu strings |contrib: thelacesz| 6.8.2 [fixup] recommendations with > 50 channels 6.8.1 [fix] playback failing [fix] viewing comments when logged in [fix] intermittent issue with Subscriptions [fix] encoding of video unavailable messages [upd] updates to recommendations [upd] update logging for Kodi 19 [lang] fr_fr strings |contrib: alan7000| [lang] pl_pl strings |contrib: drrak| [lang] nl_nl strings |contrib: Markman-B| 6.8.0 [add] support for video comments, Comments in the More... dialog |contrib: doko-desuka| [add] simulate deprecated recommended home API |contrib: hedleyroos| [fix] error caused by timestamp formatting [fix] fix Premiere's exiting after 5 seconds |contrib: jpfox156| [fix] playlists over json-rpc |contrib: JasperE84| [lang] de_de strings |contrib: tweimer| [lang] el_gr strings |contrib: twilight0| [lang] es_es strings |contrib: roliverosc| [lang] pt_pt strings |contrib: daniel3x| 6.7.0 [add] send PlaybackInit, PlaybackStarted, PlaybackStopped notifications containing video id, channel id, and the status of the playing video [fix] allow playback regardless of API status - fixes playback for strm, playlists, other add-ons, and sharing videos from devices [fix] finding player config, allow playback to continue when not found if possible [fix] fix possible loop due to invalid keys and login information [fix] fix playback of mpeg-dash streams if HTTP Server - Listen on IP is blank [upd] use a dialog to notify users of API key requirements with link to wiki - https://ytaddon.page.link/keys [rem] remove provided api keys [lang] de_de strings |contrib: tweimer| [lang] el_gr strings |contrib: twilight0| [lang] hu_hu strings |contrib: thelacesz| [lang] pl_pl strings |contrib: drrak| 6.6.0 [add] 'Play (Ask for quality)' context menu [add] search by channel or playlist id [add] hide_folders, hide_playlists, hide_search, and hide_live to /channel// end-point - ie. plugin://plugin.video.youtube/channel/UC4PooiX37Pld1T8J5SYT-SQ/?hide_folders=true will hide all folders(Playlists, Search, and Live) in the channel listing [fix] playback for some videos (ie. music videos) [fix] playback of some videos with no adaptive video streams [fix] don't update watch history when incognito/screensaver/live |contrib: regseb| [fix] search prompting for input after video playback or refresh [lang] el_gr strings |contrib: twilight0| [lang] es_es strings |contrib: roliverosc| [lang] pt_br strings |contrib: MediaBrasil| [lang] cs_cz strings |contrib: llzn.cz| [lang] it_it strings |contrib: SebastianoPistore| [lang] de_de strings |contrib: tweimer| 6.5.2 [fix] playback (No streams found) [fix] missing metadata [fix] ended live streams not using mpeg-dash when enabled [fix] subscriptions not showing latest videos [upd] simplify youtube_resolver regex |contrib: Twilight0| [lang] de_de strings |contrib: TehTux| [lang] pl_pl strings |contrib: drrak| [lang] nl_nl strings |contrib: Markman-B| 6.5.1 [add] get_live to youtube_requests module to retrieve live stream info for a channel [add] Adaptive (MP4) and Adaptive (WEBM) to MPEG-DASH - Video quality [fix] live stream playback [fix] unable to seek when using mpeg-dash [fix] mpeg-dash video quality selection [fix] sqlite requests breaking when another add-on/module uses sqlite3.register_converter(..) [fix] signal endofdirectory in case of a provider navigation exception |contrib: enen92| 6.5.0 [add] Video quality selection to Settings - MPEG-DASH [add] Limit to 30fps to Settings - MPEG-DASH [add] Uploads playlist to channel playlists [chg] Use search for channel videos instead of the Uploads playlist [fix] Signature cipher, some videos unplayable (ie. music videos) [fix] Playback monitoring using Python 3 [fix] unescape html entities in title and plot [fix] handling of invalid grant when refreshing access token [fix] adding suggested videos when played from some widgets [fix] http server /client_ip using Python 3 |contrib: t6| [upd] refactor youtube_resolver.resolve [lang] el_gr strings |contrib: twilight0| [lang] es_es strings |contrib: roliverosc| [lang] ko_kr strings |contrib: parkmino| 6.4.1 [upd] Use the activation url provided by the authentication request [add] add Settings - MPEG-DASH - Default to WEBM adaptation set - required for 4k stream automatic selection [add] add Settings - MPEG-DASH - Include VP9.2 - includes HDR content in the manifest [add] add support for &hide_folders=true parameter in search query urls - when added to the url it will hide the Playlists, Channels, and Live folders [add] &seek= to play urls [fix] fix playback of Purchases [fix] fixed saved playlists that don't belong to a channel [fix] mpeg-dash frame rate representation [fix] datetime parsing if no datetime string is available [chg] handle playback monitoring in threads [lang] nl_nl strings |contrib: MB1968| [lang] el_gr strings |contrib: twilight0| 6.4.0 [add] 4K videos with InputStream Adaptive >= v2.3.14 - Thanks to @peak3d [fix] some videos not playing when logged in [fix] reset function cache at restart/update to resolve issues persisting due to cached results [fix] service potentially not shutting down http server [fix] added to playlist/subscriptions notifications [fix] only generate mpeg-dash file if adaptive formats are available [fix] map frame rates to more common representation to lessen the chance of double refresh rate changes (only applies to generated mpeg-dash files) [fix] currently playing file check when playing file is a plugin:// url [chg] Settings - General - Autoplay suggested videos - limit playlist size to 1000 videos - request less relevant videos at one time - old behavior: add 50 most relevant videos for each video played, repeats allowed - result: a lot of barely relevant videos in groups of 50 - new behavior: add single most relevant video, no repeats - result: next video is always the most relevant video to the last video played [upd] player javascript retrieval 6.3.1 [fix] ensure playback monitoring is monitoring the correct item [fix] check for abortRequested while processing purchased collections [upd] Use setArt instead of iconImage, thumbnailImage and setProperty('fanart_image') 6.3.0 [add] support for keymapping of some endpoints, wiki: https://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:YouTube#Keymaps [add] 'Rate videos in playlists' setting to 'Settings - General - Rate after watching' [add] Support for purchased collections |contrib: MisterD81| [fix] Playback of some videos (e.g. music videos) [fix] Live stream playback [fix] post play add to watch history [fix] fix add-ons playback history not saving [fix] playback monitoring/post play events triggering for the wrong videos in some cases [fix] call setResolvedUrl(False) if get_video_streams fails [upd] code cosmetics and resolve inspections [upd] improve watch history tracking, actively report watch times and state during playback [upd] sign in/out, switch user, and settings ListItems to isFolder=False and isPlayable=False [upd] improve watch later playlist id retrieval and feedback [upd] Use SPDX license identifier [lang] de_de strings |contrib: tobhor| [lang] el_gr strings |contrib: twilight0| [lang] es_es strings |contrib: roliverosc| [lang] ko_kr strings |contrib: parkmino| [lang] nl_nl strings |contrib: Markman-B| 6.2.3 [add] Next Page to 'More...' -> 'Add to...' context menu [add] icon and description to playlists in 'More...' -> 'Add to...' context menu on Kodi 17+ [add] 'Play audio only' context menu item [fix] generated dash with no supported video streams(audio only) being played when Audio only not enabled [fix] potential RuntimeError when retrieving total time of playing content if player is stopped immediately [lang] nl_nl strings |contrib: Markman-B| [lang] pl_pl strings |contrib: xulek| [lang] pl_pl strings |contrib: drrak| [lang] sk_sk strings |contrib: jose1711| [lang] el_gr strings |contrib: twilight0| [lang] es_es strings |contrib: roliverosc| 6.2.2 [fix] signature function not found on some videos 6.2.1 [fix] some streams reporting as Unavailable [fix] utf-8 file paths [fix] settings, and switch user causing perpetual busy dialog on Kodi 18 6.2.0 [add] Context menu -> 'Play with subtitles' |contrib: solarus| [add] Option to download subtitles before playback in Settings -> General -> Configure subtitles [add] Refresh context menu to all videos/live streams [add] &strm=true parameter for strm files in Kodi 18 |contrib: vlmaksime| - use description from library and set watched status [add] 'Settings -> Advanced -> Use YouTube website urls' for external/alternative players eg. Player: MPC-BE, URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0NyvxTJGcQ eg. playercorefactory.xml C:\Program Files\MPC-BE x64\mpc-be64.exe "{1}" /fullscreen /close true true none [fix] Reported background progress dialog percentage [fix] Playlist items, use video_items instead of playback_items [fix] search history size [fix] remove Spanish (Latin America)|es-419 from the setup wizard, causing invalidLanguage and invalidRelevanceLanguage errors [upd] Improve speed of playback starting and resolver before: min: 1.5s max: 2.6s median: 1.7s after: min: 0.9s max: 2.6s median: 1.2s [chg] refactor logging and system version [chg] Localize confirmation [lang] el_gr strings |contrib: twilight0| [lang] es_es strings |contrib: roliverosc| [lang] es_mx strings |contrib: Intel11| [lang] it_it strings |contrib: SebastianoPistore| [lang] nl_nl strings |contrib: Markman-B| [lang] ru_ru strings |contrib: vlmaksime| 6.1.4 [fix] Signature function not found 6.1.3 [fix] timedelta.total_seconds python 2.6 compat. 6.1.2 [fix] dash settings check and defaults [fix] addon-check raised warning for services complex entry point [fix] codacy raised issue in http server (https://app.codacy.com/app/Kodi/repo-plugins/pullRequest?prid=2080401) [chg] move seek to onPlayBackStarted, onAVStarted only in K18 [chg] geolocation provider changed from ipstack to ip-api [del] frodo listitem art compatibility [lang] ru_ru strings |contrib: Burgaduk| [lang] zh_tw strings |contrib: Zankio| 6.1.1 [fix] http proxy using incorrect setting id causing 403 errors 6.1.0 [add] Multi-user support - Switch User folder (default: on) Settings -> Folders - User management (Add, Remove, Rename, Switch) Settings - Users - Signed in users are green, Current user has an * [add/upd] add data cache and optimize caching - add Settings -> Maintenance -> Clear data cache/Delete data cache - increase allowed cache size - database accesses per 50 videos: before: 70~100 after: 4~6 - load time of 50 videos w/ no cached videos: before: ~11.6 secs, after: ~3 secs - load time of 50 videos w/ all cached videos: before: ~0.8 secs, after: ~0.7 secs - cached size per 50 videos: before ~1MB, after ~550KB [add] Refresh after watching (default: off) Settings -> General [add] Completed Live folder (default: on) Settings -> Folders [add] Upcoming Live folder (default: on) Settings -> Folders [add] My Location folder (default: on) Settings -> Advanced -> Enable setup-wizard [add] Play count minimum percent (default: 85%) Settings -> General -> Play count minimum percent [add] Playback history (default: off) Settings -> Advanced -> Use playback history [add] Time since published for videos as item properties Property(PublishedSince), Property(PublishedLocal) |contrib: pannal| [add] Check My IP, Settings -> HTTP Server [add] Developer authentication, allowing add-ons to use their own access tokens - see youtube_authentication.py, youtube_registration.py, youtube_requests.py, and youtube_resolver.py [upd] YouTube UTC datetimes to local timezone |contrib: pannal| [upd] Localize API key errors, provide a more descriptive notification [fix] Add to YouTube watch history [fix] My Channel videos (Error 403) [fix] allow fallback to dash, when using Audio only [fix] Signature function not found error for some users [fix] Context Menu -> More -> Related Videos w/ Kodi 18 [fix] Sign In/Sign Out causing crash with Kodi 18 nightlies [fix] Channel 'mine' caching [fix] Time changing when playing generated dash [lang] es_es strings |contrib: roliverosc| [lang] el_gr strings |contrib: twilight0| [lang] nl_nl strings |contrib: Markman-B| 6.0.2 [fix] incorrectly raised 'Proxy is not running' error 6.0.1 [fix] notification encoding 6.0.0 [add] Python 3 compat. [add] Settings -> Maintenance -> Delete temporary files [add] Settings -> General -> Rate video after watching [add] Settings -> API -> Enable API configuration page - when enabled, visit http://:/api to configure API keys from a web browser - port is configured in Settings - HTTP Server - Port [chg] Storing personal api keys in api_keys.json [chg] Storing login tokens in access_manager.json [add] youtube_registration module, register developer keys and use them by appending an addon_id= parameter to youtube add-on plugin urls [add] screensaver=true parameter to /play route - no suggested videos, no post play events, don't ask for quality [add] play route for channel live streams - plugin://plugin.video.youtube/play/?channel_id=UCLA_DiR1FfKNvjuUpBHmylQ&live=1 [add] Purchases - requires Kodi 18 - requires inputstream.adaptive >= 2.2.12 - if a purchase fails after 10 seconds - provide a debug log - set InputStream Adaptive -> Settings -> Stream selection -> manual - change video stream during playback to preferred working resolution - huge thanks to peak3d [add] relevanceLanguage to search requests [add] Refresh to My Subscriptions (Filtered) [fix] mpeg-dash proxy with multi-profiles [fix] search input, now works with Yatse [fix] Signature deciphering [fix] context menu after playback [fix] alternative player, do not append headers [fix] My Subscriptions (Filtered) channel matching [fix] Audio only, failover to video if no audio only streams available [fix] My Subscriptions missing page 3 [fix/upd] function cache, update max rows and resolve hang on some requests [fix/upd] post play events happen post play [fix/upd] set title from metadata on play [chg] only automatically remove temp folder at start-up [upd] Dutch strings [MB1968] [upd] French strings [bubuleur] [upd] Greek strings [twilight0] [upd] Spanish strings [roliverosc] 5.5.0 [add] Saved Playlists [add] allow developers to use their own api key - xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('plugin.video.youtube-configs', json.dumps({"origin": ADDON_ID, "main": {"system": SYSTEM_NAME, "key": API_KEY[, "id": CLIENT_ID, "secret": CLIENT_SECRET]}})) [add] Audio only: Settings -> General [add] Age gate enforcement: Settings -> General [add] Quick search and Quick search (Incognito) - Settings -> Folders - incognito doesn't add to search history or run post play events (add to watch history) [add] Quick search to channels (no history) [add] Live folder to channels [fix] My Channel videos incl. private [fix] mpeg-dash vods, proxy required - Settings - MPEG-DASH - Thanks to Schtek for generating the needed mpd file [fix/upd] use select dialog for subtitle settings - [add] Configure subtitles: Settings -> General - [add] Current language with No auto-generated subtitles option [upd] language/translation paths * Isengard (15.x)+ required [upd] youtube_resolver: allow resolve by url [fix/upd] do not use distutils.version.LooseVersion for version compare [stefansaraev] [fix/upd] add check to api key stripping [fix/upd] subtitles default to non asr track when possible [fix/upd] login client logging and endpoints [fix/upd] Watch Later - Clear: Settings - Folders - Custom Watch Later playlist id - Settings - Folders - Retrieve Watch Later playlist id [fix/upd] History - cannot add to history from add-on - Clear: Settings - Folders - Custom History playlist id [fix] /api/update route logging [rem] SPMC mpeg-dash support [upd] Hebrew strings [Eng2Heb] [upd] Polish strings [Etharr] [upd] Italian strings [DjDiabolik] [upd] Hungarian strings [lacesz-sh] 5.4.5 [fix] tighten regex for routing, resolving incorrect routing 5.4.4 [fix] overlapping regex causing no playlist videos 5.4.3 [add] mpeg-dash support for live content (requires inputstream.adaptive >= 2.0.12) [add] add route to update api keys plugin://plugin.video.youtube/api/update/?enable=true&client_id=&client_secret=&api_key= [fix/upd] refactor subtitles ** subtitles setting will be reset [fix/upd] add My Subscriptions (Filtered) to dual login requirements [fix/upd] only show Browse Channels when logged in [upd] Greek strings [Twilight0] [upd] Polish strings [Etharr] 5.4.2 [fix/upd] My Subscriptions 5.4.1 [fix/upd] dash working for vevo/etc [upd] rework of auto subtitles [fix] leia nightly login issues [fix] 403 error on 'My Channel'/uploaded videos 5.4.0 [upd] Greek strings [Twilight0] [upd] Polish strings [Etharr] [upd] Finnish strings [teemue] [upd] Spanish strings [roliverosc] [fix/upd] resolve "Error Contents: 'q'" error [horstepipe] [fix/upd] resolve Play All/Play from here not starting playback [fix/upd] resolve playlists starting on second item [fix/upd] allow dash in quality choices [fix/upd] set content to files for menus, resolves mouse/scrolling [fix/upd] fix cipher [fix/upd] increase search history limit to 200 [fix/upd] storage db [add] Safe Search to Settings -> General [add] Thumbnail size to Settings -> General [add] Auto-play suggested [mehdilauters] [add] Automatic subtitles [Uukrull] [add] My Subscriptions (Filtered) - whitelist/blacklist version of My Subscriptions [chhe] [add] module extension point: add-ons can now add plugin.video.youtube dependency and resolve youtube video id's or make v3 api requests using the youtube plugin, """ """ """ import youtube_resolver streams = youtube_resolver.resolve() import youtube_requests videos = youtube_requests.get_videos([, , ]) """ 5.3.11 [fix/upd] replace custom simple_requests with script.module.requests to resolve ssl and cross-platform issues [add] 'Reset access manager' added to Maintenance section, sign out process(available when logged out) to clean up tokens in settings.xml [upd] set default for SSL certificate verification to 'true' 5.3.10 [fix/upd] resolve 'No video streams found' for age-gated content and other minor. [fix/upd] unescaping HTML entities in subtitles [mdmdmdmdmd] [upd] Polish strings [Etharr] 5.3.6-9 [fix/upd] resolve 'No video streams found' [fix/upd] SPMC dash support guidosarducci [upd] Italian strings [iz8mbw] [upd] Spanish strings [roliverosc] [upd] Dutch strings [Sjord] [fix/upd] Frodo backwards compat. setArt [lulol] 5.3.5 [add] MPEG-DASH support for Kodi 17 w/ inputstream.adaptive Add-on [add] optional History and Watch Later custom playlist to Settings -> Folders, or (My)Playlists context menu to set/remove [add] Maintenance section to Settings [add] 'Subtitle language(s) to download' selection to Settings -> General [add] 'Force SSL Certificate verification' to Settings -> Advanced [upd] API key set switching from Settings -> API (this will log you out) [upd] Dual login only required if My Subscriptions folder is enabled at sign-in [upd] setting content type from episodes, now videos [del] override view options [upd] Norwegian strings [torstehu] [upd] Greek strings [twilight0] [upd] Portuguese strings [Wanilton] [upd] Dutch strings [flemlion] [fix/upd] API tweaking and various other updates 5.2.2 (2016-05-28) [upd] Insert old API-Keys from Bromix because of Quota-Exceed-Error [add] Dutch strings (thanks to Guilouz) [upd] French strings (thanks to royreinders) [upd] Greek strings (thanks to Twilight0) 5.2.1 (2016-05-12) [add] Additional "Recommend for You" section (thanks to anxdpanic) 5.2.0 (2016-05-11) [upd] APi-Changer - First login delete old Credentials - New Login Required! Sorry :) (2016-05-03) Workaround for the Quota Exceed-Error. [add] API-Changer for a Pool of 6 API-Keys [add] Auto-Reauthenticate with Pool-Key on "Quota Exceed" error [add] "Use own API"-Button [hint] The Message "Invalid Credentials" after Update could be fixed with deleting the Userdata-Settings.xml [add] add Recommendations to main listing when logged in [anxdpanic] (2016-04-03) [add] Greek Translation from twilight0 [upd] Fixed italian translation from DjDiabolik (2016-03-20) [upd] Ignore if '.apps.googleusercontent.com' entered in API Id string in add-on settings (2016-03-05) [add] API Key in add-on settings [upd] All string.po for new API Key functionality. New entries in language string.po files not translated from English. (2016-03-04) [fix] All Key changed with YouTube TV (2016-03-04) [fix] Live streams itag 91 patch [add] Kodi 17 Krypton support. Patch by Uukrul 5.1.20 (2016-02-25) [fix] Final fix for APIs 5.1.16 (2015-12-24) [fix] reverted search order by date 5.1.15 (2015-12-22) [fix] signature calculation 5.1.14 (2015-12-22) [upd] default search order by date (newest first) [fix] VEVO signature calculation 5.1.13 (2015-12-20) [fix] frodo...DIE FRODO DIE !!! [fix] some cleanup for Jarvis 5.1.12 (2015-11-29) [fix] sort issues with Jarvis (thx 2 guidosarducci) 5.1.11 (2015-11-24) [fix] signature calculation (e.g. VEVO) 5.1.10 (2015-11-13) [fix] signature calculation (e.g. VEVO) 5.1.9 (2015-09-21) [add] Hebrew (thx 2 smoky-jr) [upd] don't set default season and episodes (1x1) [upd] another try to optimize the quota problem. Move all searches to the individual keys instead of one global [fix] playback issues (skip discontinued video/format by YouTube) 5.1.8 (2015-08-23) [add] Bulgarian (thx 2 NEOhidra) [upd] new quota shaping [fix] personal playlists (Watch Later, Liked Video, ...) should work again [fix] playback of VEVO videos - some videos still using discontinued ITAG13 [fix] show login, when an endpoint is called, which requires permissions. 5.1.7 (2015-07-15) ADD: quota optimization via separate key for none-token depended API calls UPD: new login semantic to sign out if someone upgrades to a newer version of KODI FIX: 'Next Page (X)' item was added to the current playlist for playback 5.1.6 (2015-06-14) ADD: Chinese (Traditional) (thx 2 beddfaf916) ADD: Czech (thx 2 tomaswcz) ADD: Romanian (thx 2 Danny3) UPD: test some new pagination for 'My Subscriptions' UPD: Polish (thx 2 Etharr) FIX: show notification again for unsupported rtmpe streams FIX: unicode/utf-8 trouble in kodion 5.1.5 (2015-05-29) UPD: remove deprecation warning for Isengard FIX: Issue 7163 (Missing pagination for subscriptions - YouTube APIv3 bug) 5.1.4 (2015-05-26) ADD: Frodo support (only if you install via zip or bromix repo) UPD: new API-KEY - thanks to the guy for hijacking the key for trailer searches UPD: Russian (thx 2 BytEvil) FIX: cache wasn't working correctly without login 5.1.3 (2015-05-16) UPD: code cleaning FIX: minor fixes 5.1.2 (2015-05-15) ADD: ask for video quality (optional) UPD: code cleaning UPD: Russian (thx 2 BytEvil) UPD: kodion FIX: add 'Play all' for playlist (again) 5.1.1 (2015-05-10) ADD: 'More...' in context menu to provide more items ADD: show deprecation warning of old plugin calls starting with Isengard ADD: EndPoint: 'plugin://plugin.video.youtube/search/?q=[URL_ENC_TEXT]' ADD: API Key for each major version of KODI UPD: Ukrainian (thx 2 Dukobpa3) UPD: Russian (thx 2 BytEvil) UPD: new second fanart UPD: reorganized context menu UPD: improved logging (debug only) UPD: Improved error handling FIX: refresh after rating a video (own playlist only) FIX: add 'refresh' again for 'My subscriptions' DEL: removed old v2 API 5.1.0 (2015-04-22) ADD: Double login to support 'My subscriptions' via YouTube TV API ADD: 'More Links from the description' - extracts further links from the description ADD: Korean (thx 2 piodio) UPD: removed old implementation of 'My Subscriptions' UPD: new fanart and icon UPD: changed credentials UPD: minimal quota-optimization UPD: French (thx 2 eauland) UPD: YouTube relevant description links - improved extraction and resolving of video/playlist urls UPD: YouTube relevant description links - improved extraction and resolving of user/channel urls UPD: YouTube relevant description links - improved performance resolving urls with caching UPD: regex optimizations for season and expisode extraction FIX: support fanart of channel in new implementation of 'My Subscriptions' FIX: YouTube relevant description links - script error while some server return garbage for a location FIX: script error while resolving url fails FIX: script error while adding video to a playlist FIX: show seconds (runtime) in Gotham 5.0.9 (2015-03-14) ADD: 'duration' optimized for KODI 15.X (Isengard) ADD: EndPoint for listing the videos of a playlist: "plugin://plugin.video.youtube/playlist//" UPD: optimized client-/server transfer (use gzip) 5.0.8 (2015-03-05) UPD: Polish (thx 2 Etharr) UPD: Russian (thx 2 BytEvil) FIX: improved playback 5.0.7 (2015-02-27) ADD: 'Refresh' in 'My Subscriptions' and all my playlists ADD: rename search history item UPD: French (thx 2 Trilip) UPD: Ukrainian (thx 2 posledov) UPD: Spanish (thx 2 PatOso) FIX: possible crash on not well formed language ids FIX: optimized logging FIX: unicode trouble 5.0.6 (2015-02-17) ADD: setting for hiding the channel name in the description ADD: Ukrainian (thx 2 posledov) UPD: show 'Watch History' (default) UPD: Russian (thx 2 BytEvil) UPD: improved support for live streams UPD: improved stream selection based on container FIX: 'What to watch' => 'Popular right now' FIX: don't crash while trying to play rtmpe FIX: corrected ITAG 18 in 360p instead of 260p 5.0.5 (2015-02-01) ADD: clear search history items UPD: replace context menu not everywhere UPD: dropped dependency of 'requests'-module because of performance issues FIX: Add playing video to the 'Watch History' FIX: maybe a fix for a problem (again!) on unix systems while using python 2.7.9 + certificate verification FIX: removed pagination for "Related Videos" - the fix before produced some nasty side-effects FIX: Vevo signature 5.0.4 (2015-01-15) ADD: 'Live' in search ADD: 'Play with...' for supporting external/alternative player ADD: live events (needed some tests and feedback) ADD: support for user names instead of channel ids UPD: set XBMC/KODI to at least Gotham 13.2 UPD: Setup-Wizard views based on content type (KODION update) FIX: Playlist should work again FIX: Pagination in APIv2 FIX: settings for hiding 'Live' menu DEL: support for Frodo 5.0.3 (2015-01-08) ADD: 'Disliked Videos' ADD: 240p, 360p and 480p UPD: adjustment in KODION classes (maybe causing problems on MAC OS X 10.10.X + Python 2.6) UPD: Russian (thx 2 BytEvil) UPD: Spanish (thx 2 PatOso) UPD: Polish (thx 2 D.K.) FIX: German translation FIX: some Frodo updates 5.0.2 (2015-01-01) ADD: Support for shared playlists via Yatse ADD: 'Play from here' for playlists ADD: 'Queue Video' FIX: German translation FIX: Portuguese (Brazil) (thx 2 ASH_Macedo) 5.0.1 (2014-12-31) ADD: 'Play all' (default, reverse, shuffle) ADD: Italian (thx 2 peppe_sr) ADD: Portuguese (Brazil) (thx 2 ASH_Macedo) ADD: Hungarian (thx 2 gyeben) ADD: Portuguese (thx 2 enen92) ADD: Polish (thx 2 D.K.) ADD: Russian (thx 2 BytEvil) ADD: Spanish (thx 2 PatOso) ADD: French (thx 2 roondar) UPD: support for '1080XF' and 'Xperience1080' FIX: some live streams should work FIX: update meta data for video played via ext. url FIX: remove video from 'Watch Later' playlist REV: reverted to requests 5.0.0 (2014-12-27) DEL: removed beta ADD: new rating system - like/dislike/remove ADD: show confirmation before remove a video or deleting a playlist ADD: rename your playlists ADD: setup default view modes (default and videos) ADD: setup correct language and region for YouTube ADD: support for old YouTube url calls (plugin://plugin.video.youtube/?action=play_video&videoid=[ID]) UPD: new icons UPD: reorganized context menu UPD: some minor tests UPD: moved 'Watch Later' up in context menu FIX: rename playlist FIX: show newest videos first (uploads of channel) FIX: show fanarts in 'Watch Later' and 'Liked Videos' 1.0.0~alpha29 (2014-12-14) UPD: new login mechanism (removed the old one) ADD: translation fr-FR (thanks to roondar) ADD: manage playlists - create, remove and add videos to a selected playlists FIX: support cyrillic letters 1.0.0~alpha28 (2014-12-07) ADD: subscribe to channel (from videos and playlist) UPD: rework of handling context menu FIX: remove next page for related videos (because APIv3 is broken) 1.0.0~alpha27 (2014-12-01) UPD: performance improved for auto-removing videos from 'Watch Later' list FIX: error while navigating to the next page 1.0.0~alpha26 (2014-11-30) ADD: hide all entries (except search) via settings in the root menu ADD: missing pagination for 'My Subscriptions' FIX: next page is working again (Watch Later) UPD: disabled language (for now) Kodi isn't providing reliable language IDs 1.0.0~alpha25 (2014-11-29) UPD: requests with language/region UPD: new icons ADD: Auto-Remove from 'Watch Later' list ADD: 'Related Videos' UPD: show channel name in the description FIX: disable verification warnings 1.0.0~alpha24 (2014-11-27) ADD: 'Browse Channels' FIX: support for skins calling '.*/extrafanart/' 1.0.0~alpha23 (2014-11-26) ADD: 'What to watch' FIX: 'My subscriptions' switched to version APIv2.1 (Google) DAMN YOU!!! 1.0.0~alpha22 (2014-11-25) ADD: sorting FIX: crash when calling 'My subscriptions' FIX: signature calculation 1.0.0~alpha21 (2014-11-24) CHG: method for playing a video changed to a more query like uri FIX: crash under android systems. Regular Expressions work a little different :) 1.0.0~alpha20 (2014-11-23) FIX: Git merge with master 1.0.0~alpha19 (2014-11-23) UPD: complete rewrite UPD: switch to kodion 1.0.0~alpha18 (2014-08-31) - ADD: Support for ETag - could improve performance - ADD: remove item of search history - FIX: #22 calculation of duration - FIX: #28 display 'general' instead of 'like' in settings 1.0.0~alpha17 (2014-08-10) - ADD: 'Go to CHANNEL' of a selected video - ADD: Support for 'Subscribe' and 'Unsubscribe' of channels - ADD: Full support for 'Like' - ADD: Remove own playlist via context menu - ADD: Show/Hide 'Browse Channels' via settings - FIX: Using only thumbnails from API v3 - 'My Subscriptions' is using v2 and returning different thumbnails - FIX: Displaying false channel in video description - FIX: Don't update search history before showing the search result 1.0.0~alpha16 (2014-08-08) - FIX: provide 'Next Page' under 'My Subscriptions' if there are more results - ADD: Hide and show menu items via settings - ADD: Search history (set the size via settings from 0-50 items) 1.0.0~alpha15 (2014-08-04) - FIX: moved (only) for the subscribtions to V2 to see new uploaded videos 1.0.0~alpha14 (2014-08-03) - ADD: 'Remove' via context menu for playlists - ADD: 'Watch Later' via context menu to add a video to the 'Watch Later' playlist - ADD: Automatic remove from the 'Watch Later' playlists (optional via settings - default = true) - ADD: Support for history - after playback the video should be added to the history. Not working correct. - ADD: Fanart for channels. Only if you select a channel directly. - optimized some of the addon code 1.0.0~alpha13 (2014-08-02) - FIX: improved token and login validation 1.0.0~alpha12 (2014-08-01) - ADD: Show 'Published on' and 'Channel' in the description of a video (can be disabled via setting) - ADD: support for 3D videos (can be disabled via setting) - Accelerated resolving of video URLs (almost 2x as fast) 1.0.0~alpha11 (2014-07-30) - FIX: added a fallback for videos that require a login (works very fast?!?!) - FIX: if username or password is missing reset the whole token logic 1.0.0~alpha10 (2014-07-29) - FIX: improved performance on decoding signatures for some videos - ADD: support for custom-created playlists - FIX: sort own subscriptions - ADD: enable/disable video, channel and/or playlist search 1.0.0~alpha9 (2014-07-28) - FIX: removed debug 1.0.0~alpha8 (2014-07-28) - ADD: login tests 1.0.0~alpha7 (2014-07-27) - FIX: added support from freemake.com to decode signatures of some videos 1.0.0~alpha6 (2014-07-27) - added support of playlists of a channel (first page only) - optimized some major routines for easier support of all youtube's content 1.0.0~alpha5 (2014-07-27) - version bump for tests 1.0.0~alpha4 (2014-07-26) - added runtime for each video (crazy hack) - disabled debug 1.0.0~alpha3 (2014-07-26) - little fixes regarding youtube channels 1.0.0~alpha2 (2014-07-26) - added youtube channels and search - added playback 1.0.0~alpha (2014-07-26) - initial version for tests